Monthly Archives: March 2014

you can’t always get what you want


Ain’t that the truth. So in the lead up to the Adelaide concert there was much discussion about what jeans to wear, the type of top that covers all the bits you don’t want showing, sexy but comfortable shoes to dance in all night (please let me know when they are invented!), and whether or not to don the false eyelashes. Not to mention The Rolling Stones blaring out of the stereo every chance we could get. Alas it was not to be. Cancelled due to the passing of Mick Jagger’s girlfriend. Devastated – YES!!! We have been waiting a long time to see these guys. However our condolences go out to Mick at this time. We can’t imagine how he must be feeling right now. So we patiently hang on to our tickets with a very tight grip while they try to come up with a new date later this year. In the meantime we will continue dancing in the kitchen to Jumpin’ Jack Flash.

get yer ya ya’s out

only platinum will do

only platinum will do

Now we’re really showing our age! We were brought up on the Rolling Stones and remember our father strutting around the lounge room doing Mick Jagger impersonations to Little Queenie. We have somehow never managed to get to a Stones concert in all of our 50 years – that’s what happens when life gets in the way! Better late than never. Some of our friends think it’s hilarious that we’re going to go and see (and that we’ve paid so much for a ticket) a bunch of old decrepits hobbling around on stage. We don’t care what they think. We’re excited!!! It’s time to pull out the tight jeans and the sensible top that is just long enough to hide all the wobbly bits, and channel our inner rock chick. We’ll be the two old groovers dancing at the front and yelling out “we love you Keith and Mick!”. Stay posted for a post concert de-brief.

climbing, camping and hanging upside down


I decided to take my son James for a quick trip to Arapiles (just outside of Horsham, Victoria) this weekend to go rock climbing. Arapiles is an international climbing Mecca and until fairly recently held the title of having the hardest climb in the world – a grade 32 climb aptly called Punks in the Gym. My limit is about grade 15, not without with a lot of grunting and cursing. I haven’t climbed for 12 months and am feeling fairly unfit at the moment so it was an interesting experience. The mind was definitely in the zone however my body wasn’t! I curse you damn body for losing muscle tone so easily after 50! We climbing in a little spot called Cranky Babies wall, in the shade most of the day which was a relief as it was around 35 Celsius. I started my first climb close to my limit on a grade 13. I was kind of hoping to ease into the day with a few warm ups on about grade 8! However when you are climbing with a bunch of waaay more experienced climbers than you they tend to push you that little bit more, which is a good thing. The body would argue that point! I climbed a nice little chimney, edging my way up with my back against one wall and my feet against the other. “Good for your core muscle strength!” my sweet climbing partners kept yelling down to me as I grunted and cursed my way up. We then had to abseil off the top. This is where it got interesting. As I was edging my way over the edge of the cliff, ready to drop over and abseil down, I lost my footing, swung over to the left and turned upside down!! Lucky I kept my hand on the brake otherwise it would have quickly become even more interesting! Anyway, I managed to right myself and continue down feeling slightly (alright a lot!) embarrassed. The last climb I did was called Shitty Nappies and it was shitty because by this stage my body decided it had had enough climbing for the day and would let me go no further. Overall I had a great time, spent precious time with my son, and decided that I really must start climbing regularly again so my body can catch up with my mind! Nurofen is my friend. Liane

my Taj Mahal tent

my Taj Mahal tent

